Opportunity Framing Workshop
Author: Iwona Wilson
Level: Beginner
Study time: 2-3h
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Course overview
Learn how to prepare and facilitate opportunity framing workshop and set up your projects for success.
Video time: 2 hours
Exams: No
Set Up Your Projects For Success
Opportunity Framing Workshops Foster Good Decision-Making and help with:
#1 Value Proposition
Understanding the value proposition early in the first stage, to ensure the right opportunities are moving forward.
#2 Alignment
Involving the right stakeholders at the right time and aligning the team and Decision-Makers upon the way forward
#3 Management of Projects
Investing in the right kind of opportunities that are aligned with business strategies and of highest priority to the company.
What's included?
3 Chapters
1 Certification
24 Videos
1:1 Discovery Call
Become a Framing Facilitator
You will learn the basics about how to develop, organize and prepare for facilitating opportunity framing workshops.
Promote Framing
You will also learn the most commonly used tools in opportunity framing workshops, how to facilitate them in a group environment and build a roadmap for the way forward.
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Definition of Success is the key tool used in the opportunity framing workshops which helps the group establish what are they aiming to achieve as a result of the project.
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Strategic Fit tool helps the group to establish to what degree the new opportunity/project fits to the organizational objectives and strategies.
Frequently asked questions
FAQ 1: Are my results guaranteed?
FAQ 1 Answer: Like anything in life, you will get out of this course what you put into it. The results you get are up to you. We can promise that if you commit to the process and put in the work, you will see results. This course will give you a shift in the way you think and feel about project planning and the value of bringing people together to collaborate, explore and make decisions.
FAQ 2: Can I share course info with a friend?
FAQ 2 Answer: The insights you learn will definitely be share-worthy. In order for your friends or team to get the best results, we recommend they sign up to take the course themselves. Contact us for group discounts.
FAQ 3 Will I be a skilled framing facilitator after watching the online course?
FAQ 3 Answer: The short answer is No. Upon completion of this course you will have a basic understanding about opportunity framing workshop. This is a great way to get you ready for participating in the workshops. This course does not cover the development of the facilitation skills. Contact us for a custom solutions by emailing iwona at iwona@wilson.biz.
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Iwona Wilson
Trainer, Strategy Facilitator and Consultant
Iwona is a trainer, strategy facilitator and a consultant with a mission to help leaders and project managers run their projects better, especially if they are complex and require multi-level stakeholder engagement. She has over 17 years of experiences working in the oil and gas industry and is an expert in the Stage Gate Process, Opportunity Framing and Strategic Planning.